Originally from Kahnawake and now living in Montreal, Barbara is the choreographer and director of A’nó:wara Dance Theatre. She has studied in many forms of dance, including ballet, contemporary, jazz, hip-hop, powwow, etc. As a choreographer and dancer, she specializes in creating works that highlight Indigenous themes/stories/perspectives by often combining powwow, Haudenosaunee dance, and mainstream contemporary styles to create a fusion of dance that speaks to many different populations and tastes.
She was awarded the prestigious Prix de la Danse de Montreal category Interprete (dancer) in 2021. In 2019 her dance piece MY URBAN NATURE was awarded best choreography for outdoor show by Festival Quartiers Danse, her piece SKY DANCERS was a recipient of the National Creation Fund, in 2008 she was awarded the Mila Voynova Outstanding Instructor Award, she has been invited as an artist and a speaker nationally and internationally (Banff Centre, Enartes Mexico, CanDance Ottawa, etc), and her first film for children was awarded one of the Top 10 Best Active Products of the Year (Dr.Toy). She aims to inspire others, encourage cultural pride, uplift the spirit, and increase education and communication.
Sam is a Yoreme from the Tahue Clan. The word tahue in yoremnoki, the language of the Yoreme, means hawk. The Yoreme Nation is located in the Northwest of Mexico. Sam Ojeda is a man who has deep respect and love for nature and the Native American way of life. He is a teacher, a translator, a storyteller, a ceremonialist, a pow-wow drummer and singer, a flute player, a guitar player, a traditional dancer, a sweat lodge helper and fire keeper, a drum maker, and an artisan.
Sam's artwork has the honour of being displayed in Native exhibits in WesternEurope, and his one-man crafts company, Runs-on-Fire, continues to flourish as his hand-made objects continue to be sought the world-over by healers and medicine helpers. Samuel continues to participate in conferences, workshops, sharings, and talks on Native American issues, giving his unconditional support to the people who promote the well-being of our beloved Mother Earth through his art and prayer.
A gifted Plains/Woodland Cree (nehiyaw) singer/songwriter, storyteller, and voice, stage and film actor from the Sturgeon Lake First Nation Band in Saskatchewan. As a child, Joseph was influenced by his grandfather’s traditional and ceremonial chants as well as the sounds of the fiddle and guitar. Today he is renowned for his unique style of Cree/English storytelling, combined with original contemporary music and traditional First Nations drum and rattle songs.
An accomplished performer, Joseph is the recipient of the 2006 Canadian Aboriginal Music Award’s Keeper of the Tradition Award and the 2005 Commemorative Medal for the Saskatchewan Centennial. In 2009 Joseph also received a Gemini Award for Best Individual or Ensemble Performance in an Animated Program or Series for his role in Wapos Bay series. That same year he was also awarded Best Emerging Male Actor at the Winnipeg Aboriginal Film Festival for his role in Run: Broken Yet Brave and won Best Traditional Male Dancer at John Arcand’s Fiddlefest in Saskatchewan. Recently, Joseph was awarded the Saskatchewan Arts Board’s Arts and Learning Award for his far-reaching work with many organizations, students and artists. He has performed for the Prince of Wales, the Lieutenant Governor of Saskatchewan and many other notables. His demanding schedule continues to take him to conferences, symposia, festivals and art/research projects both nationally and internationally.
Fifteen years of study with a Buddhist master, combined with his nêhiyaw/Cree traditional knowledge and experience as an interdisciplinary artist has nurtured Joseph’s generosity and compassion for sharing cultural knowledge. A much sought-after speaker, counsellor, and educator for youth and adults alike, Joseph frequently enjoys opportunities to work as a resident artist and outdoor educator.
From 1995 to 2000 he served as the Storyteller-In-Residence for Meadow Lake Tribal Council. More recently Joseph served as Emerging Elder with the Indian Teacher Education Program in Saskatoon, Emerging Elder/Artistic Advisor with Living Sky School Division, and regularly serves as advisor/knowledge keeper with various universities across turtle island.
Joseph holds a Bachelor of Education degree from the University of Saskatchewan. As an innovative artist, mentor, and committed arts educator he fully embraces his own lifelong learning curve.
This event was hosted by Mossy Fae Sustainable Arts Society in collaboration with the Sustainability Action Fund, the Contemporary Dance Department and the First People's Studies Department at Concordia University.